
For testing DALMP load the world.sql.gz located at the examples dir:

gzcat examples/world.sql.gz | mysql -uroot dalmp

You can try also with gzip, gunzip, zcat as alternative to gzcat

That will load all the world tables into the dalmp database and also create the dalmp_sessions table.

For testing purposes the same DSN (same database) is used when testing sessions and database, in practice you can have different DSN depending on your requirements.

You can however configure your DNS:

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Edit the DSN section:

    <var name="DSN" value="utf8://root@localhost:3306/dalmp" />

Install composer and required packages:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=bin

Install phpunit via composer:

./bin/composer.phar install --dev

For example to test only the Cache\Memcache:

./bin/phpunit --testsuite CacheMemcache --tap -c phpunit.xml

To run all the tests:

./bin/phpunit --tap -c phpunit.xml

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